Speeding In School Zone
On school days when school children are present and so close that a potential hazard exists, no person shall drive at a speed in excess of 20 mph. (625 ILCS 5/11-605).
Speeding 1-24mph over is a Petty Offense. The fine for a first offense is $150. The fine for a second or subsequent offense is $300. Speeding 25-34mph over is a Class B Misdemeanor. Speeding 35mph over is a Class C Misdemeanor.
This offense IS NOT eligible for Court Supervision. If you are found guilty or plead guilty to this offense, the only available sentence a Judge can give is a conviction. A conviction will go on your driving record and 20 points will be assigned.
I will fight hard to keep a conviction off of your record. I have years of success in defending these case and winning at trial.